Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Nation of the Underground

Nation of the Underground is this weekend (starting tomorrow)! I believe registration is closed, but if you have the opportunity to go, please contact them ( to be sure!

In the beginning of Philippians 2, Paul points out that divisiveness within a fellowship indicates spiritual problems. Let's drop the selfishness and pride that are causing us to act like people who haven't experienced the full extent of the saving grace of Jesus Christ! It is time to unify the Church so that we can do our job... speaking the Truth of the Gospel in love to a world who desperately needs to hear it! Nation of the Underground—along with Hope For The Rejected's Unified Underground and other ministries too numerous to name—is part of a huge revival and awakening of the underground Church, and will be held in Hurst, TX tomorrow (7/24) through Sunday (7/27). Loyal Thurman will be there representing Hope For The Rejected, so be sure to talk to him if you get the chance.

If, like me, you can't attend, please join me in covering Nation of the Underground with all the prayer we can muster. Pray for the safety of everyone who's traveling to be there, and that—above all—God is glorified in every way possible, specifically through the spiritual growth of His children. Only by growing closer to Him can we become more effective agents of His grace here on earth!

God bless!

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